Posted by Mike Foster:

People of the Second Chance is beginning to beta test groups and we would love to have you join us. Grace is best learned and experienced in community. So let’s get together and grow!!

Click here to sign up to start a group. 


WHAT DOES A POTSC GROUP LOOK LIKE? Gather 2-8 friends, staff members, moms, room mates or family together for 4 consecutive weeks at a predetermined time and meeting place. You follow the study guide we give you and discuss the topics and questions while you sip your Cappuccino or eat some Buffalo Wings. You can also watch the video teaching that we send to you. Think of it as a super fun way to talk about grace, share your story and connect with people you like to hang with. It’s really that simple!


WHAT DO YOU GET? We send you FREE group study guides, 4 FREE videos and an access code to buy a super cheap copy of Gracenomics. Hang out with 2-8 friends for 4 consecutive weeks talking about grace and second chances. Also, when you sign up to start a group you will also get exclusive early drafts and video content of our new small group projects coming Fall, 2012. You will also grow and understand topics like self acceptance, forgiveness and how to live life fully alive.

Click here to sign up to start a group. 


HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? It's basically FREE but we do recommend you pick up a discounted copy of Gracenomics. Either through the store or on Kindle for 99 cents!! Reading the chapter for that week helps set up the discussions.

WHERE DO WE DO GROUPS? You can start a People of the Second Chance group pretty much anywhere! It is in your city and locally based. Meet at Starbucks, your Church, your office lunch room, the park or wherever you like to hang out! Still have questions? Click here.



“Our staff loved getting together each week in the office to talk about grace, second chances and how it applies to our life and work. It was simple, straight forward and a lot of fun.” -Scott Page/CCF Brands

“I had the privilege of starting a GRACEONOMICS group with some people that I had recently met. Since then we have become close friends as a result of the transparent and challenging conversations that were sparked as a result of this amazing study. My view on grace will never be the same!” -Jared Dunn/South Hills Church

“Through GRACENOMICS I have more of a clear understanding of GRACE. I am learning grace should be in constant motion. Hoarding the grace Christ has given me is just as toxic as a house hoarder. Having that perspective helps me with moments & people that need His grace through me!” -Melissa Hale

Click here to sign up to start a group. 

Mike Foster