41598_17541238151_8994_n Posted by Jud Wilhite

I spent today in Los Angeles at UCLA Medical Center with my dear friends Kurt and Kelly Ervin. Their son Austin had his second brain surgery to remove part of his brain that is causing debilitating seizures. The surgery went well, but the coming days will tell the story on how Austin recovers and what the results will be. Please keep Austin in your prayers, he's an amazing kid.

The surgical waiting room is a place where everything that really matters comes into focus. So much of the stuff I worry about doesn't. Today brought that into focus.

I was also inspired by this thought. Kurt asked the doctor if Austin's core personality would be affected by surgery. The doctor, a world leader in brain surgery and research, said that he had removed people's frontal section, back section, left and right hemisphere's in different surgeries with the personality remaining intact. He sat back and said, "I have no idea where the personality resides." What a statement from one of the world's leading brain specialists!

We talk about soul and personality and many current philosophers argue it is just all a function of mechanics and science. Here is a leading brain specialist saying he doesn't know where personality resides. It is a mystery. To me it is the mystery of God in how he has wired each of us up.

It is that same God we cry out to now for Austin. Indeed, we are "fearfully and wonderfully made" (Ps. 139:14).

God broke the mold on you! Maybe today is an opportunity to thank him for making you in all your quirkiness and uniqueness.
