By: Melissa Hawks

My darlingest, shiny thing.

The following words were inspired by this image. Let them speak deep into the wounded places of your heart.


You think you are only your past. You think you cannot forgive yourself.

I think you are ever so much more.

And, I think you know more about yourself. I think you know the beauty and the brilliance of you. I think you've seen loving and wonderful acts that you have done. I think you remember forgiveness you have given to others. I think you know kindness you have poured into someone else's soul. I think you have held someone's hand while their world fell apart.

Remind yourself of all of these. Remind yourself that you know this too. That the past includes these moments of beauty.

Then take a step towards forgiving yourself.

Though right at this moment, you find yourself in an endless cycle, there is an escape. I had a genius professor look at me once and say, "Melissa, we only allow ourselves to have what we think we deserve." You, lovely one, are settling for cheap and easy when you deserve so much.

Can you see what I do?

Let me tell you who I see. I see a beautiful broken one. A brilliant mind that has turned pain to some measure of success. I see depth, great passion, and a perceptive heart. Be free, Darling. Find peace. Healing. Because I see more than loneliness and walls in you. I see hope and wisdom hiding in the cracked places.The truth is I see the most vile parts of your heart. And I see the glory that dwells in your soul.

I see all of you. And I find you to be wonderful.

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