Posted by Mike Foster: We live in a world with lots of talk. Lots of ideas. Lots of blah blah blah.

If you're like me, you are not interested in being an "idea guy." I only want to daily live out my ideas and invite a bunch other renegades to join me.

When I met Shelene from Skip1.org I found the type of person I want to be like. A person of action. Motion. Energy. Passionate. Operating in the small places AND in the big places. She is someone who is making a difference.

About a year ago Shelene started Skip1.org which is an organization that challenges us to skip something in order to give something. Through her efforts and her team's dedication, Skip1 has given relief to those in need in Peru, Mexico, the Dominican Republic and Haiti.

Her life and her efforts are making an incredible difference. But what I love most about Shelene is she decided to do something...actionable.

I love what Napoleon Bonaparte said...“Take time to deliberate; but when the time for action arrives, stop thinking and go in.”

This Sunday Skip1 is partnering with Invisible People and they are hosting a special holiday SkipDay for the homeless. You can get all the details here and help them pack hundreds of GloveBags.

Get dialed in to this great organization. I dare you to move...or should I say skip!


Skip1 PSA "Restaurant" [Francis & Lisa Chan Version] from Skip1 on Vimeo.


Founder's Story from Skip1 on Vimeo.

Mike Foster