SILENCE IS NOT GOLDEN...SPEAK UP! Posted by Mike Foster:

When a friend hits bottom, our silence is NOT golden.

Quiet support from the sidelines is not helpful when the critics and haters are yelling at the top of their lungs.

When people are hurting, our silence only communicates distance between us and them.

We can quietly pray. We can think about the person's pain. We can feel deep sadness for them. These are nice things, but not good enough.

My advice: Go on the record with those who are hurting. Call them. Visit them. Text them. Tweet them. 140 characters of support is better than a book of silence.

When your world is falling apart you can feel sooooooooooooo alone. Trust me I know. And too often the only voice we hear is the critic living in our head.

So be a real friend. Have some courage and say the words. Write the letter. Pick up the phone for 5 minutes. Don't be silent.

Someone needs you right now to remind them that they are loved...and that it is going to be ok.

Mike Foster