6719580.jpg.w180h271[1]With weather like this, it seems like everyone has become a weekend warrior.  Yard work, house repairs, car repairs, exercise ... we just can't keep still.  And that's a good thing. Of course, it also means we sometimes push ourselves too hard, and are left sore, tired, and sometimes even a little injured on Monday morning. There are times in my life when it's felt like I've played weekend warrior with my emotions too. Sleepless road trips, toxic relationships, and even 3-day marathon work sessions to get the job done.

Regardless of what your weekend looked like, if you're feeling a little weary this morning, know that you're not alone.  Many of us are nursing our wounds, whether it's from experiencing a bad breakup or bailing out a flooding basement.  And regardless of our situations, we stand together.

So stand tall, push through the fatigue, and make this week count.  It's #NoQuitMonday, and it's a fresh start.
