When our friend Pete Wilson wrote the awesome book, Plan B, he had no idea that he’d be navigating a plan B with the city of Nashville. As the book released nationally, Pete and his team from were going around in boats helping Nashville flood victims.

Families and staff members of their church have lost everything. Many had no insurance because in their areas there was no history of this kind of flooding. Some are calling it the 1,000-year flood.

When I read the pre-release version of Pete’s book I was really inspired at multiple levels. And I know that in the midst of this crises Pete is not only living it out, but he’s created a resource to bring hope to all of us.

At one point in Plan B Pete talks about how hoping in “something” leads to confusion and frustration. We’re called to hope in someone:

“That’s why the only dependable hope is hope in someone. Or rather, Someone. The entirety of Scripture points to one cross, one man, one God—not because he gives us everything we’re hoping for, but because he is the One we put our hope in. This is why I can have hope in the midst of my crises. I can have hope when there is no circumstantial reason to have hope…. My hope is based on a powerful, in-control God who can do and will do the impossible. My hope is based on a God who has defeated death itself.”

This is the hope that can sustain all of us in incredibly challenging times. Please pray for Pete and the entire city of Nashville. And show some support for a fantastic book by picking up a copy—or a box!

Over the coming weeks we should all be following his blog to learn about how we can support the city and its people.

Thanks Pete, for writing a killer book, and for living out the message when your city needs it most.



Mike Foster