By Drew Carson:

To ignore the suffering of others is wrong and unsustainable.   All of us have an obligation to use our talents for the greater good. Not in an abstract way, but rather in a tangible way that intentionally and practically changes our communities for the better.

At Help Ink, our ultimate goal is to be a vessel for artists of all types to use their talents for the benefit of their communities and global communities as a whole.  Through the sale of premium and exclusive art, we help charities in an exciting way.  40% of sales of this particular piece of art will go directly to People of the Second Chance, and we invite you to be among the first to take it home!

In the words of the artist, Jay Quercia,

"I knew that I wanted to create something real. I'm not really a fan of sugar coating things, and denying the struggles we go through in life does more of a disservice than it does good. We define ourselves by the challenges we overcome, and we are stronger as a result."
