Would you like to join other POTSC community members on TWITTER out there? Come, join us! We want to connect with you and hear YOUR voice. Welcome to #GRACETUESDAY! HOW TO PARTICIPATE IN THE POTSC TWITTER COMMUNITY CONNECTION:

1. Add your Twitter Handle URL to the MckLinky below (you only have to add it to one and it will appear on all blogs that share this connection). 2. Be sure you are following @POTSC and using the hashtag #POTSC & #GRACETUESDAY - feel free to RT this by pressing the TweetMeme button (makes it super simple) 3. Follow as many people on Twitter as you like, but make sure to leave comments on their blog or @replies on Twitter to so they know who you are! Make the most of this by posting the code on your blog!

How to spread the word and add this MckLinky on your blog: Write your own post or copy and paste this one. Below the MckLinky box, you’ll see “Want to be a part of this Blog Hop? Click here for instructions and code”. By sharing this on your blog, it allows others to connect you to the POTSC Community and FOLLOW YOU!

Please only add your Twitter URL (even though it does not specify on McLinky)- not your blog URL. We will be able to connect your blog through the code. If you decide to host one, let us know- we would love to help spread the word.